Saturday, January 23, 2010

Marbles, Glue and a bit of frustration...

So I'll be the first to admit that I'm not really a crafter. I have never come up with an original idea. I am a huge borrower of ideas though and I borrowed one from Jen over at Tatertots and Jello...again. I thought this would be easy and I loved the 3D effect of the marbles.

I painted a couple of Dollar Tree frames black, cut some scrapbook paper, traced my heart, added glue and started to stick the marbles on...sounds easy so far and it was. As I started to add the marbles, I could not for the life of me get those round marble to come together to make a heart! It drove me crazy. I think I finally got it to work, but it was not as easy as I thought it would be. The X and O was way easier on the marble end, but required some measuring and tweaking to get it all centered. All in all, I had fun with this craft and the kids liked it because they got to stay up until 10:30...shh told tell anyone.

The heart is my fav! I love the whole package a lot. This year will mark the first that I have ever decorated for Valentine's Day...I quite like red :)

1 comment:

angie said...

Cute, Cami! I don't have anything Valentines in my home. Maybe some day!