Thursday, January 28, 2010

Painting and Twining (is that even a word?)


I have a serious back log of projects that I have been wanting to do. I finally decided that I need to stay away from the thrift stores until I'm caught that was a huge motivator because I love to go thrifting! I found this spoon and fork a couple of weeks ago and they have been in the waiting to be painted pile ever since. I ended out using craft paint on these because it is still too darn cold to get the spray paint action going. This little makeover was really quick and simple. I still plan to sand them up a bit and add some antiquing gel. They are good enough to hang up now and they have been moved from the forsaken pile.



I used to be anti-monogram, but have since fell in love with the idea of them! I am proud of our family name and want to display the letter 'B' everywhere!!! My maiden name and married name both start with 'B'...just a little nugget of info for you. :)

So, I got the chip board letter and twine at Hobby Lobby. I saw this idea on a blog somewhere and thought it would be so easy. Now let me just say...I was really wishing that my last name started with 'T', or 'I' during the twining process. Wrapping that 'B' was a pain in the 'B'ehind!!! It ended out taking a couple of hours and several hot glue burns. I was so happy to be done with it! I really like it though, it was worth the time and effort.

Looks pretty simple...

Here it is in all its glory!

1 comment:

angie said...

Looks great! I agree that you need to live closer so I can have fun crafting with you. :)